Monday, March 24, 2014

Of Hot Potatoes and Microsoft Excel

Hello readers. Last week lesson was really interesting, it's about creating our own exercise using Hot Potatoes, a very useful software for teachers. Very easy, very simple. 

Check out the exercise I created using Hot Potatoes. 

We also learned how to create a simple exercise using Microsoft Excel. 

Try now. 

Have a good day everyone :)

Friday, March 21, 2014

ESL Website Evaluation

Hello readers.

There are many ESL Websites on English lessons on the internet. Most of the websites offer plenty of exercises, grammar lessons and even a discussion forum that suit the learners from different backgrounds and match with their proficiency level. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced student, you can get as many lessons as you want about various rules of English language.

In this post, I want to evaluate on one particular website that helps me in preparing myself for practicum. Of course, I do not rely on just one website, usually I will have so many websites accessed and even go for a blog-walking just to search for interesting materials for the lessons.

This website has abundant of lessons on vocabulary, grammar such as verb, tenses, articles and modals. This website is intended to teach the Basic English lesson that includes grammar and skills in English language, which are reading, and listening as the website provides reading room and listening lounge. In the reading room, there are many reading materials to choose from including newspaper articles, which is very authentic and current.  Various exercises are included in every lesson so it is easier to check on the understanding of the topic.  The exercises are range from simple to difficult, according to the tutorials. Viewers can immediately check the answers and check on the tutorials for further explanation on the topic. Student forums for discussion is also included in the website, therefore readers can interact and post questions.

ESL Students can just simply go to and explore all the contents in the website. All contents and topics are categorized and are put at the side of the website for easy access and they could just click on the link to directly start on the topic. The website is not too crowded and clouded with other things such as unnecessary advertisements or pop-up materials, the layout and template is rather clean and organized. Not too much color and too much decoration so it is pleasant to be viewed. The most important thing is it is easy to be accessed, as it requires no registration or any fees.

Going through the website reminds me of my practicum phase where I really rely a lot in ESL websites and blogs for references and for planning the lessons as well as preparing the materials for my students. Furthermore, I also refer to ESL websites for self-study. I really depend on other sources to gain my knowledge on English language therefore I do access various types of websites during my free time and it is really important that the websites are full of information and user-friendly.

Besides, the website offers ESL students with something that cannot be done in a textbook or workbook. Students can immediately check their answers and visit the tutorials to enhance their understanding in particular topic. Students are also equipped with so many exercises and forums to discuss a certain topic they do not quite clear of. Above all, students can learn by themselves and they do not need a teacher or a guide just like in the classroom, therefore more time is spent for self-study.  However, the exercises provided are quite similar to the exercises students can find in textbooks or workbooks, so it would be interesting actually to at least provide the students with word games such as word search, or puzzles rather that just normal boring exercises such as fill in the gap and multiple choice questions.

Browsing through the websites, it can be concluded that the language teacher applied in the website is more direct and inductive language teaching, where students are explained about all the rules and then given exercises to test on their understanding. The practices are drilling and they are intended to make the students understand the rules of grammar. It is not communicative language learning as it focuses more on grammar practices.  The lessons also are not really catered to the different styles and preferences of the students. It is lacking in the visual and animated kind of learners, as it is more on reading and drilling, therefore the website would not spark the interest of visual students.

The tasks and the activities in the website are mostly exercises and drilling, it is potentially benefits the students in writing with free error, however, practices as such will not really helpful when it comes to communicative aspect. The exercises can be done in classroom, no doubt about it but they are simply meant for grammar lesson.  Teachers need to be creative occasionally and break free from normal chalk and talk, sometimes bringing in the computers in class would give extra credits to the teachers. The website offers various grammar explanations and exercise, it is an important tool for references and teaching, therefore it is very highly potential in language learning as grammar and structure of sentences are very important in mastering the language.

Lastly, I would definitely use the website in the future as it serves as a source of references and it is easy to access and filled with exercises and practices as well as reading room with lots of reading materials.

That would be it, for now. See you in the next post. 
Have a wonderful weekends everyone ! 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Microsoft word exercise

Hello, this is a simple microsoft word exercise that can be used in classrom. Just copy and paste and the students will enjoy it.

The exercise can be used for lower secondary students, preferably Form 3, Advanced students. 

click on the link to see the exercise. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Hi everyone :)


Hi, my name is Siti Nor Ashikin binti Hasnan and I'm in my Part 8 of TESL program in UiTM and this blog is created for the Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) subject.

My computer skill is so basic- I am not a computer geek or even technology expert. I have a very limited knowledge on computer, software or hardware or whatsoever. However, as a student and a teacher to be, I always access the internet to find some cool websites to generate ideas for my lesson plan and to search for extra information on anything related or not related to education. I spend most of my free time on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube as well. As I am now in my Part 8 and I have to complete my thesis, I spend most of the time reading online journals and researches.

During my practicum, I showed the students videos downloaded via YouTube and the students really liked it. However, it cannot be done frequently as there was no equipment in the class, the media room has to be booked and it's not always available, which is very sad because the students enjoyed learning using technology and computers.

Language teaching using the technology is a perfect advantage to cater to the students needs nowadays as the students are more advanced in computers and technology so it is interesting to see the creativity of the students. Language teaching using computer also helps in breaking the traditional chalk and talk classroom which is boring to the students. Engaging in students' interests and preferences is the key to obtain the learning objectives as it is very important that the students learn something in the classroom.

I hope I can increase my knowledge and skills in computer so that I can be an interesting educator with abundance knowledge and skills to cater to the various students' preferences and styles, therefore I hope that this course will help me in becoming more tech-savvy.

My AE involves with teachers' expectations on students in a language classroom. I choose the topic because I feel like teachers sometimes, they are not aware that their expectations towards the students can influence the students' behavior and students' grade in class. So far, I have completed the first 3 chapters and my supervisor has approved the first two chapters. Now, I'm waiting for Datin Siti Hawa to approve my chapter 3 and my questionnaire. From then, I will go to my previous school to collect the data and then finish off with my last two chapters. Hopefully I can get it done before the mid semester break.

Then, I can graduate. And I can't wait to graduate actually.