Thursday, March 6, 2014

Hi everyone :)


Hi, my name is Siti Nor Ashikin binti Hasnan and I'm in my Part 8 of TESL program in UiTM and this blog is created for the Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) subject.

My computer skill is so basic- I am not a computer geek or even technology expert. I have a very limited knowledge on computer, software or hardware or whatsoever. However, as a student and a teacher to be, I always access the internet to find some cool websites to generate ideas for my lesson plan and to search for extra information on anything related or not related to education. I spend most of my free time on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube as well. As I am now in my Part 8 and I have to complete my thesis, I spend most of the time reading online journals and researches.

During my practicum, I showed the students videos downloaded via YouTube and the students really liked it. However, it cannot be done frequently as there was no equipment in the class, the media room has to be booked and it's not always available, which is very sad because the students enjoyed learning using technology and computers.

Language teaching using the technology is a perfect advantage to cater to the students needs nowadays as the students are more advanced in computers and technology so it is interesting to see the creativity of the students. Language teaching using computer also helps in breaking the traditional chalk and talk classroom which is boring to the students. Engaging in students' interests and preferences is the key to obtain the learning objectives as it is very important that the students learn something in the classroom.

I hope I can increase my knowledge and skills in computer so that I can be an interesting educator with abundance knowledge and skills to cater to the various students' preferences and styles, therefore I hope that this course will help me in becoming more tech-savvy.

My AE involves with teachers' expectations on students in a language classroom. I choose the topic because I feel like teachers sometimes, they are not aware that their expectations towards the students can influence the students' behavior and students' grade in class. So far, I have completed the first 3 chapters and my supervisor has approved the first two chapters. Now, I'm waiting for Datin Siti Hawa to approve my chapter 3 and my questionnaire. From then, I will go to my previous school to collect the data and then finish off with my last two chapters. Hopefully I can get it done before the mid semester break.

Then, I can graduate. And I can't wait to graduate actually.

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